Music Ministry
“Singing is praying twice.” - St. Augustine
Welcome to the Music Ministry here at Christ the King! Music plays a vital role in our worship here, so feel free to browse below. Please don’t hesitate to ask about what you wish to connect with. There’s room at the table for everyone!
Chris Losee, director of music
Psalm 27:4 “One thing…”
Music Groups
Sunday Music Team (all ages)
led by Chris Losee
Sunday Mass @10am
Rehearsals: Tuesdays @6:45pm-8pm
Sundays @8:45am-9:45am
Kids Choir (kids under 12)
led by Chris and Sarah Losee
singing as scheduled throughout the year
Rehearsals: Tuesdays @4:45pm-5:15pm
(see CTK Kids Ministry page)
Youth Praise Band (Youth Group)
led by Chris and Sarah Losee
singing/playing as scheduled throughout the year
Rehearsals: Tuesdays @6:15pm-6:45pm
(see CTK Youth page)
Praise & Prayer Team
led by Deacon Trevor Hults
Last Wednesday of the month @7pm
Rehearsals: last Wednesday of the month @6:15pm
Women’s Ministry music
led by Karen Bender
First Wednesday of the month @10:30am
Sacred Choir (adults/community members)
led by Chris Losee
(coming soon) reach out if interested!
Music Style
Music at Christ the King is typically “blended.” This means we pray the liturgy in many different musical genres/styles on any given Sunday; from ancient to modern day, and from different regions around the world. Depending on the day or season, we many lean more toward one particular style over others, but it’s all there throughout the year. You will encounter contemporary praise & worship music, traditional hymns, gospel, folk music from around the world, and liturgical music ranging from chants to contemporary music depending on the time of year. Come join us as we partake in the everlasting song together with the saints from every age and every region!
Check out our YouTube channel
Our “Playlist” page contains live-streams of full Masses, as well as music we typically sing for each major season of the church year.
Invitation to Get Involved…
If God has blessed you with a musical talent, I encourage you to use it – and you are certainly invited to do so here at Christ the King. Whether it is singing or playing an instrument (there’s a place for ANY instrument here, trust me!) or both, I invite you to contact me about getting involved.
Chris Losee, director of music